Friday, March 6, 2015

Welcome Note

So here it is-

We stand on the edge of our departure date.Tomorrow we're driving to Georgia. My lifelong friend Briese Anderson, who we're staying with right now in NC, is driving Ross and me to Springer Mountain.

Currently we are relaxing. This afternoon we're finishing the pack and the storage of all my things into Briese's attic.

The story up to now goes that Ross and I met in 2013 in Minnesota. We were both in the Conservation Corps of MN's northwest district, but 3 hours away from each other. Our friendship probably would not have blossomed if we hadn't been deployed to New Jersey for the tail end of Hurricane Sandy clean-up. There we formed a bond of friendship and mentorship. We worked tirelessly for three weeks and came back to cold north for Burkthorn removal. We were able to visit each other occasionally through work and freetime.

At the end of the year I got a position with the Youth Outdoors program in the Twin Cities and Ross stayed in the northwest. During this time I reached the conclusion that I wanted to hike the 2,185 mile Appalachian Trail and Ross jumped on board pretty soon after.

Many months later and three months of down time between the end date with the Conservation Corps and now, we leave Sunday morning. This could be my last date in a bed for a while.

I believe we have everything we need. We'll see when we get out there. Later we'll get our address' up in case you want to write us.

All our love,

Scott and Ross


  1. Good luck fellows. Try to stay warm and dry and reasonably well fed. Forage if you can. The more you know.....the less you have to carry.
