Wednesday, March 18, 2015

3/18/15 Pictures!!!!!!!

Blogger is weird. Even though it's a google thing it won't just let me transfer photos over. Like I thought it would, soooooo here the link to the album I created from the photos from my phone. This is the good majority of them, but I do have a few on my camera too. Those will be up soooon!

I guess I'll post an update here too.

We are in Franklin, NC. I am currently at the library and Ross is back at the outfitters. They came and picked us up from the hotel like nice people. Also gave us beer. Ross couldn't make the trip because instead of feet, he has blisters. We are taking the next two days to have a mini-vacation with Briese because he wanted to see us while we were in North Carolina (and it won't be for very long ;D) and Ross' feet need it.

Tonight those feet will be living in Epsom salt and water.

My Conservation Corps boots only held up 1/9th as long as I wanted. The rubber started to peel from the sole and that is my only complaint about wearing them. We nearly decided that my name would be Steeltoe, but alas 1/22th the way into the trail isn't time yet for a name. We're trying out the name Burnout for Ross. It's pretty fitting. He has that red hair and when we do hills he launches himself up them and in a little while I pass him moving at my turtle pace while he rests. If you don't know people sort of get nicknames or give themselves nicknames while hiking. It makes it easier for people instead of being like which Matt are you talking about.

We have heard of 3 or 4 people who have had to drop. That number has to be a lot, lot higher since we don't know everyone. I feel like I should be walking today.

Hmmm what else? We met a 70 year old who's carrying like 85 lbs. Another dude carrying a machete AND another guy who did SEA BASE BAHAMAS AND SAILED ON THE WILLIAM H ALBURY.

Oh I'm at the library because I'm buying a pass for Smoky Mtn National Park. Gotta do that before I run out of time.

All of my Love,


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