Saturday, March 21, 2015

Scott's Update 3/21

Hello everybody!

I said I'd update with our going-ons. Here we go-


So much has and hasn't happened since the last entry. We made it to North Carolina on the 15th. Stayed right on the border that night at Bly Gap. Where I woke up this morning under the stars at Carter Gap. We slept on the ruins on the old shelter. Halfway through the night I awoke to loud rustling and in my mind the sound of a pack being drug away. I went straight into Defcon 5 for two minutes thinking it was a bear. Well, it turns out that it was Ross being tossing and turning on his mat. Had a campfire with Poppins, Stoat, Sticks, Cookie Monster, Mile Marker and Solo.

At Bly, I met a weekend hiker, Boy Scout, who had also sailed abroad the William H. Albury. Yeah I hugged him. I'm slowly making an AT playlist.

On the 14th we woke up in Hiawassee and made it to Unicoi Gap around 10 am. A few Angels with grizzly beards set up some magic of hot dogs, Gatorade and booze. We grabbed Gatorade. Hiked to Deep Gap shelter. Stayed with two couples who were pretty fun. One had a ukelele. Nice hearing an instrument live though he didn't really play a song.

Yesterday, the 16th, was my first day of smelling Philmont. North Carolina is pretty despite the sub-par trail maintenance. Still its very much winter, early spring. Nothing is green besides the moss which very pleasant to stubble upon in the bare, brown.

I was pretty sick the 11th, 12th, 13th probably from not drinking enough water. Now I'm good and a 100 miles in.


Last night we sort of made plans, but they fell through. We couldn't find a campsite, so we stealth camped near a busy road on a tough slope. It was a meh night. Tomorrow we're headed into Franklin where we plan to stay the night. Briese is going to come and hang out with us. We climbed Allers peak today and there was a tower on top. I went up and it was incredible. Tonight we're at winding stair gap. Hopefully no bears....


We spent most of the date at 3 Eagles Outfitter. They gave us free beer and it was fun. Had to get new boots since mine feel apart.


Hopped onto the trail spur of the moment since we thought it was Thursday when it was really Wednesday. We made it to the Wayah Bald Shelter where a guy snored like a crazy and kept me up most of the night.


Briese is came and picked up from Tellico Gap. We're 130 miles in. I've decided to start not counting the 8.8 miles of the approach trail anymore, now that I'm a hundred plus in.

Here are the next few stops for us if you are interested
Ross Beazell and Scott Shipley
c/o General Delivery
Fontana Village, NC 28733
Please Hold for AT Hiker
ETA - 3/24/15

Ross Beazell and Scott Shipley
c/o General Delivery
Hot Springs, NC 28743
Please Hold for AT Hikers
ETA - 4/2/15

Ross Beazell and Scott Shipley
c/o General Delivery
Erwin, TN 37650
Please Hold for AT Hikers
ETA - 4/8/15

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

3/18/15 Pictures!!!!!!!

Blogger is weird. Even though it's a google thing it won't just let me transfer photos over. Like I thought it would, soooooo here the link to the album I created from the photos from my phone. This is the good majority of them, but I do have a few on my camera too. Those will be up soooon!

I guess I'll post an update here too.

We are in Franklin, NC. I am currently at the library and Ross is back at the outfitters. They came and picked us up from the hotel like nice people. Also gave us beer. Ross couldn't make the trip because instead of feet, he has blisters. We are taking the next two days to have a mini-vacation with Briese because he wanted to see us while we were in North Carolina (and it won't be for very long ;D) and Ross' feet need it.

Tonight those feet will be living in Epsom salt and water.

My Conservation Corps boots only held up 1/9th as long as I wanted. The rubber started to peel from the sole and that is my only complaint about wearing them. We nearly decided that my name would be Steeltoe, but alas 1/22th the way into the trail isn't time yet for a name. We're trying out the name Burnout for Ross. It's pretty fitting. He has that red hair and when we do hills he launches himself up them and in a little while I pass him moving at my turtle pace while he rests. If you don't know people sort of get nicknames or give themselves nicknames while hiking. It makes it easier for people instead of being like which Matt are you talking about.

We have heard of 3 or 4 people who have had to drop. That number has to be a lot, lot higher since we don't know everyone. I feel like I should be walking today.

Hmmm what else? We met a 70 year old who's carrying like 85 lbs. Another dude carrying a machete AND another guy who did SEA BASE BAHAMAS AND SAILED ON THE WILLIAM H ALBURY.

Oh I'm at the library because I'm buying a pass for Smoky Mtn National Park. Gotta do that before I run out of time.

All of my Love,


Friday, March 13, 2015

Hiawassee, GA 150 page views already

Howdy all,

It's me Scott again. Ross is currently doing bathtub laundry intermixed with soaking his blustered feet. Nothing serious for our feet yet, but I've been feeling really sick to my stomach. I think half of it is the extreme change in diet and the other half is me just stressing out about feeling sick. Making myself more sick. Lets see if I can shake it. I have Tums now and hopefully that will help me sleep.

So lets see here are some journal entries

Day 1, Started at the arch with full packs. Hugged Briese and said farewell. Made it to the top of Springer around midday with a slow terrible climb that included 600 stairs all in a row. Amicalola Falls is beautiful. Saw a Search and Rescue helicopter already. This evening we camped by a stream just outside of Stover Creek Shelter, it sounded noisy there. We listened to the stream and rain as we fell asleep right away.

Peaked Sassafras and Justus Mtn today. Met a nice mom I've been calling Mama J in my head. Rain again tonight. Justus Mtn had a cool overhang that looked perfect to camp under. Playing 20 questions (as many questions as you can stand to ask) Ross had a tough time with Pikachu and Shay leBuff. Blisters on feet for both of us. Hip belt trouble for Ross, but I think he'll figure it out. Cool rock being eaten by a tree root. Theres a cool photo of Ross being eaten by a tree I'll try to insert here. Camped just north of Gooch Shelter as it was full up. Another quiet evening mixed with some rain. Thinking about love and life.

Early Morning, thought maybe the rain had passed, but we got drizzled on most of the day. Never more than a drizzle luckily. Hiking on the spine on this range in the clouds most of the day. Coming out only to see a road before going back up into very limited visibility, 20 feet tops. Finished the day at the foot of Blood Mtn. Tomorrow will not be an easy day. We climb 700 ft over a mile and down 700 over the next. Now, this afternoon/evening its clear and quiet. No one else is at this shelter and no one came. We had it all to ourselves. Today was my first wildlife, gray birds with white under bellies I happened upon out of the fog. they chittered and hopped from tree to tree in front of me for 100 yards down the trail. We also saw a tree that had two truncks. It's pretty cool stuff. 36.9 miles in.


I'm feeling awful. I hope I didn't lick something bad at that shelter. We pressed hard today and made it to Low Gap Shelter. 5 miles further than we hoped, but Blood Mtn didn't kill us and a Snickers bar at Nell's Gap really helped our morale. I don't think the sugar and coffee I drank today are agreeing with me tonight. Going to bed very early, but there are about 50 people around in this area. Thank you to whomever recommended earplugs.


Hiked 9 miles today and arrived at Unicoi Gap at 1pm. We made a reservation in Hiawassee instead of Helen like we planned because it has a medical center incase I feel worse over night. We have enough food without a resupply to get to our next drop. It's better to have too much I guess. This is 61 miles. Budget Inn is cheap for sure, but it suits us just fine.


We have decided to take a zero day here. My stomach feels a bit better, but still frothy. Mail and organize and laundry fun. Love all of you.

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Springer Mountain

We made it, Springer Mountain. About 9 miles, so we're pretty close to being done. 4 more miles for today. Sleep will be awesome

Friday, March 6, 2015

Welcome Note

So here it is-

We stand on the edge of our departure date.Tomorrow we're driving to Georgia. My lifelong friend Briese Anderson, who we're staying with right now in NC, is driving Ross and me to Springer Mountain.

Currently we are relaxing. This afternoon we're finishing the pack and the storage of all my things into Briese's attic.

The story up to now goes that Ross and I met in 2013 in Minnesota. We were both in the Conservation Corps of MN's northwest district, but 3 hours away from each other. Our friendship probably would not have blossomed if we hadn't been deployed to New Jersey for the tail end of Hurricane Sandy clean-up. There we formed a bond of friendship and mentorship. We worked tirelessly for three weeks and came back to cold north for Burkthorn removal. We were able to visit each other occasionally through work and freetime.

At the end of the year I got a position with the Youth Outdoors program in the Twin Cities and Ross stayed in the northwest. During this time I reached the conclusion that I wanted to hike the 2,185 mile Appalachian Trail and Ross jumped on board pretty soon after.

Many months later and three months of down time between the end date with the Conservation Corps and now, we leave Sunday morning. This could be my last date in a bed for a while.

I believe we have everything we need. We'll see when we get out there. Later we'll get our address' up in case you want to write us.

All our love,

Scott and Ross