Thursday, April 30, 2015

Trail Magic

I think I'm done giving the day by day of our plight because well I think it's boring and unimportant. If you disagree send me a message or comment and I could be coaxed into it again, I guess. :-)

For this post I thought I'd share one of the greatest things that happens out here on the trail, Trail Magic.

Trail Magic is the stuff that hikers dreams' are made of. A moment to rest and enjoy pure grace from another person. Magic mainly comes from people not in the trail, but have either hiked before or had a loved one hike. So what is it? Food, drink, rides to town, hugs, stuff or resupply and any combination of them. We can't carry luxury. We cannot simply carry normal things. We need calorie dense, light and semi tasty things. There is nothing like fresh eggs and juice randomly occurring at 9 am after hiking four miles and having already eaten breakfast.

Here is a list of trail magic I remember

Miss Janet gave out apples and rides

A couple older gentlemen set up a grill to cook hot dogs, passed out Gatorade and from others I heard they had alcohol.

One man and his truck cooking eggs and hash browns at the top of a hill next to a cemetery.

A husband and wife who were looking at property heard about the trail and what magic was met us at a gap with milk, a loaf of bread and PB&J that we ate all of.

Newfound Gap had a choir of angels and they fed me so much. I listed it out on Facebook. More than having enough food to feed 100 people, they had two boxes, one with all the best trail food we could have resupplied from and the other was what impressed me the most. It was a box of stuff, new water filters, ear plugs, chap stick, Sun screen, socks, much much more.

Hailstone drove us into town and back out.

Pedro left us beer at a trail head.

Something as simple as having fresh clean water to drink is magic.

Unhinged's husband gave us coffee and Gatorade

Two churches have taken us in and fed us, resupplied us and sent mail out for us.

There are random boxes groups have that they fill with treats.

Ok, what I'm really trying to do is inspire you. Get out into your community and surprise someone with something simple, but meaningful. I literally tear up and launch into smelly sweaty hugs at the sight of magic. People can be so great. Be those people.

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