Hello everyone,
I've been composing blog by the handful, but I'm very sloth like in actually writing them down. This is a quick update since it's been requested and we are so close. Just a couple notes on these, as the dates get further away the reliability of my guesses become less and less.
Second, I love surprises, a lot. But if we know there is a package coming to us it makes our lives easier and whatever you send can still be a surprise. No bricks please. I won't carry them more than 400 miles.
Ross Beazell and Scott Shipley
C/o general delivery
Cornwall Bridge, CT 06754
Please hold for AT thru-hiker 7/10/15
Ross Beazell and Scott Shipley
C/o general delivery
Cheshire, MT 01225
Please hold for AT thru-hiker 7/16/15
Ross Beazell and Scott Shipley
C/o general delivery
Wallingford, VT 05773
Please hold for AT thru-hiker 7/22/15
Ross Beazell and Scott Shipley
C/o general delivery
Glencliff, NH 03238
Please hold for AT thru-hiker 7/29/15
Ross Beazell and Scott Shipley
C/o general delivery
Gorhan, NH 03581
Please hold for AT thru-hiker 8/2/15
Ross Beazell and Scott Shipley
C/o general delivery
Andover, ME 04216
Please hold for AT thru-hiker 8/6/15
Ross Beazell and Scott Shipley
C/o general delivery
Caratunk, ME 04925
Please hold for AT thru-hiker 8/10/15
Ross Beazell and Scott Shipley
C/o general delivery
Monson, ME 04464
Please hold for AT thru-hiker 8/14/15
ReplyDeleteis this still accurate? also do you have a first address off teh trail for success presents?