Saturday, May 9, 2015

Seven hundred and mumble, mumble miles!

Hello everyone!

We are currently in Roanoke, VA. It's 20 minutes off trail by car.

Yesterday, we got into Daleville and we were pretty stoked for hotel room. EVERYTHING WAS BOOKED, EVERYTHING. We ate our feelings away, I ate two lunches. Then did our shopping and went to the outfitter. At the outfitter we noticed a flier for a pair of trail angels looking to help hikers. We inquired within and they drove out from Roanoke to pick us up and took us into their home.

Pizza, beverages and laughs. Also interestingly,  Team Pie was walking into town from the trail and actually walked right by our trail angels headed south to have lunch a little south from town, so when they drove up and got out we had this conversation-

"Woah we walked by you today! You had the Subway and smelled so good!" -us

"Yeah! You were the ones talking about Lord Of The Rings." -them


Over the last two days we crossed what had been called a "triple crown." It's Dragons Tooth, McAfee Knob and Tinker something. My feet are shot, but still trucking. In 130 miles, we're going to hit Waynesboro. Where we're going to take a couple few days to heal. Only 130...

Things I've learned seven hundred mumble mumble miles later.

1. No matter how far you walk the last mile is going to take as long as the rest of the day.

2. I should not be allowed to shop because I want all of the food.

3. Burn Out has one pace- his own and no matter if you chase him or not, he's trying to leave you in his dust

4. Electronics, out on the trail, eat more electricity out on the trail to handle their emotions. Just like hikers do.

5. Just when all my fears about something like carrying enough water have been lessened, the trail knows... it will no longer have water.

6. You're awesome.

Love and everything,

Scout Shipley

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