Thursday, April 30, 2015

Next two stops

Scott Shipley and Ross Beazell
C/O General Delivery
Daveville, VA 24083

Please hold for AT hikers ETA 5/7/15

Scott Shipley and Ross Beazell
C/O General Delivery
Waynesboro, VA 22980

Please hold for AT hikers ETA 5/21/15

Trail Magic

I think I'm done giving the day by day of our plight because well I think it's boring and unimportant. If you disagree send me a message or comment and I could be coaxed into it again, I guess. :-)

For this post I thought I'd share one of the greatest things that happens out here on the trail, Trail Magic.

Trail Magic is the stuff that hikers dreams' are made of. A moment to rest and enjoy pure grace from another person. Magic mainly comes from people not in the trail, but have either hiked before or had a loved one hike. So what is it? Food, drink, rides to town, hugs, stuff or resupply and any combination of them. We can't carry luxury. We cannot simply carry normal things. We need calorie dense, light and semi tasty things. There is nothing like fresh eggs and juice randomly occurring at 9 am after hiking four miles and having already eaten breakfast.

Here is a list of trail magic I remember

Miss Janet gave out apples and rides

A couple older gentlemen set up a grill to cook hot dogs, passed out Gatorade and from others I heard they had alcohol.

One man and his truck cooking eggs and hash browns at the top of a hill next to a cemetery.

A husband and wife who were looking at property heard about the trail and what magic was met us at a gap with milk, a loaf of bread and PB&J that we ate all of.

Newfound Gap had a choir of angels and they fed me so much. I listed it out on Facebook. More than having enough food to feed 100 people, they had two boxes, one with all the best trail food we could have resupplied from and the other was what impressed me the most. It was a box of stuff, new water filters, ear plugs, chap stick, Sun screen, socks, much much more.

Hailstone drove us into town and back out.

Pedro left us beer at a trail head.

Something as simple as having fresh clean water to drink is magic.

Unhinged's husband gave us coffee and Gatorade

Two churches have taken us in and fed us, resupplied us and sent mail out for us.

There are random boxes groups have that they fill with treats.

Ok, what I'm really trying to do is inspire you. Get out into your community and surprise someone with something simple, but meaningful. I literally tear up and launch into smelly sweaty hugs at the sight of magic. People can be so great. Be those people.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

It's been awhile or who needs Ireland or headed to Mordor


We crossed 400 miles yesterday. Crazy right? About two weeks ago we walked through what I could only compare to the idea in my mind of Ireland. Walking up a south face, everything is green, water runs down and fog sits on everything. I've dated four women who have lived in/ worked in/ fantastically travelled across the ocean to Ireland and I've believe I've found America's equivalent.

Right now I'm at Kincora Hostel right outside Hampton, TN. The guy who runs it is an amazing man named Bob Peoples. And I'm in love. It has been building trail here for decades and hikes around the world. Hiking the Atlantic Coast of Europe is now on my bucket list. My bucket list has expanded to an insane things since I've started.

Oh currently I'm in a tree house. There is a bunk house with a ton of beds. I heard there was a tree house and being the first to claim it I have beautiful view and a soft bed. I'll take pictures and upload them in Damascus.

Scott Shipley and Ross Beazell
C/O General Delivery
Damascus, VA 24236

Please Hold for AT hike eta of 4/19/15

Scott Shipley and Ross Beazell
C/O General Delivery
Troutdale, VA 24378

Please Hold for AT hike eta of 4/24/15

My earphones broke, I'll probably pick up new ones before we reach these places. Mom we could use a couple new toothbrushes and small toothpaste :) Ross and me and a couple for our friends haha. My teeth are awesome btw.

Rambles... we've decided that hiking towards Mordor and Mt. Doom is what we're doing. Also apparently people don't like to hear the words Maine and Katahdin. And my phone wants to autocorrect that to Kardashian.... blah. I never want this to end.

Love you,

Scout, Scott

Thursday, April 9, 2015

The Members of Team Pie

With Scout and I havingwalked over 300 miles on the trail eventually we found some hiking buddies. Now at first it was nice to have company of other people besides Scout and myself, as our group grew larger we became more defined and now ask the important question to new people we come across. What is the question you ask? Well, cake or pie? The answer either gives you aceeptance into our team (Team Pie) or becoming an outcast and part of the hated Team Cake. 

Now on to our team members and a little introduction of each of the core members. 

Clifton "Honeybuns" Reeder
Honeybuns is one of the founding members of Team Pie. 
-He graduated from University of Michigan with a degree in Computer Science Engineering
-He has an obsession with Honey Buns and eats them at every meal
-He is engaged to another founding member of Team Pie, Knock. 
-Has lived in Washington DC for the past 5 years
-Avid photographer and asks members to look mates tic when taking pictures

Allie "Knock on Wood" G
Knock on Wood, or just Knock is another of the founding five. 
-She graduated from University of Michigan with a degree in English
-Her name came from her extreme superstition and knocking on wood many times a day 
-Is engaged to Honeybuns
-Lived in Wahsington DC for the past 5 years
-Worked for the Washington Post as an art director

Ian "Cliffhanger" 
Cliffhanger is the third of the founding five of Team Pie. 
-Currently going to school and majoring in Biology and minor in theology
-The youngest in Team Pie
-Native to North Carolina 
-His face always looks like that

Rounding off the core members of Team Pie are Scout and I. We have quite the following on the trail with many people chasing after us in the journals in search of the speedy Team Pie. A question we have gotten many times is where is Team Cake. Well, Team Cake does not exist because pie is superior! That or they are are in our dust as we pump out 20 mile days.

I will now leave you with one all important question, cake or Pie?

Long live Team Pie,
Ross "Burnout" Beazell

Saturday, April 4, 2015


Dear reader,

It has been a very long time since I've sat down like this and made a real post. I'm going to do the "quick" update then probably, maybe, ramble for a bit. Let's see where did I leave off? Sometime around Franklin?

I've written a ton of postcards. If I have your address expect one and if I forget I've sent you one you may be two :)

Ross Beazell and Scott Shipley
c/o General Delivery
Erwin, TN 37650
Please Hold for AT Hikers
ETA - 4/8/15 

My condensed notes, some stuff in my journal I keep for myself-

Just did the math and we're averaging 8 miles per day. Took a zero in Asheville with Briese to play some cards. It was pretty fun. Didn't play well, but it's great being with friends. We plan to get together for a big event next year. Where will I be then? Will it be possible?? I need to get my resume together.

Briese dropped us off at Tellico Gap around noon. Thank the gods everyday for people like him in my life. I've made a list of people, who in my life have changed it and I can't thank event.

Tonight we're at Grass Gap. We passed through the NOC. It seemed like a resort for rich old people with money, admittedly it was really nice. I could be wrong about that and I'd say sorry I'm wrong. eleven to twelve miles today. Took the Jumpoff and hike down hill for miles, and miles. We're halfway back up at this point. I've just been written love notes in the ashes, learning to separate.

Met Who, What, Crowbaby Geldinstien and Rosencrants who's a Philmont adventurer.

I've decided it's been long enough and I can't quit talking about Philmont and Scouting, so I'm Scout now. Something to remember me by and I like it.

It's raining and I'm wet, but it can't bring me down. 16 miles tomorrow.

Woke up in Grass early and to no rain. Everything was wet. The sun came out right on time. On Swin Bald we saw the best view, in my opinion, to date. We did 11 miles and are spending th night at Brown Fork Gap Shelter. Tons of people here. Knock, Cliff, Heavyweight and the The Germans Hanging out by a fire

The shelter last night was weird. It had a gap in the floor. (drew a picture of it)

Today was went about 12 miles to Fontana Dam. I listened to Eminiem this morning and David Sedaris in the afternoon. Now I'm at the bathroom charging our devices and a having a tasty beverage. There's a crazy guy, but he seems harmless. It's been over two weeks since we started.

3/25 AM
Sat around a campfire last night and had some great conversations. One with Turbo who's trying to figure out his next move after this. Slept pretty well with 18 other people in the area. The sun rises through the clouds over this mountain and lake. Birds and squirrels are out down at this elevation.

3/26 PM
Spent the day of the 25th in Fontana Village with Clif, Knock on Wood, Turbo, Heavyweight, Mad Matter, and Luna. Met a cool dude named JP who reminded me of Malcolm of Lawrence. Drank a lot of beers and didn't update then because power went off. We played Putt Putt and Cornhole and Guitar Hero with lots of laughs. Thinking about how I associate love and friendship. Linking together too much. With my family I think I have it figured, but outside my circle it's been difficult. Made a pros and cons list... yes, I'm Ben Wyatt.

On the 27th we hiked with Clif and Knock on Wood. The snow came on late and strong Wind and cold in the evening, so much that the metal of the bear bags we freezing to my hands very quickly. At the first shelter we stopped at it was full, so we were forced onto the next shelter five miles farther down. Listening to Enders Game. Stayed at Silver's Bald. Today we cleared eight long, slow, cold 5 inch deep miles. Climbed up Clingmans Dome, bitter wind forced us down from a beautiful view.

Stayed in McCollins Shelter. Short day tomorrow for food resupply.

It was so cold to journal everyday I'm glad I kept it this up to date

On 3/29 we woke up at Collins with the intention of having Knock and Clif pick us up some food in town also we had been told there was an angel doing magic at the Newfound Gap. Once we hot there we were handed food until we had to beg for no more. Hailstone, a fellow hiker, who was taking a breakfrom the trail gave us ride into town and back out. got tons of food. Stayed in a full shelter, Icewater

"I weigh more than you and I'm eleven." big, cool kid to our friend named Heavyweight

Woke up early, the 30th, to watch the sun rise and brighten the cloudy day. The snow has been melting. It's still freezing every night, so the trail was a sheet of ice. Did 12.6 miles and it took forever. Everything is wet. Everything is cold.

Comfortable with being uncomfortable

We're at the Tricorner Gap Shelter. I hope the sun comes out soon. 16 miles to the border of the park with no idea about how far we can get.

4/1 AM

Just woke up at Davenport Gap (I'll leave my rain jacket here, fingers crossed I'll get it back.) I spent my night playing solitaire and writing at letter to Grams. I think we may have food figured, but we need a lot of it in this weather. Warm day and we'll stop by a hostel today for some chilling and laundry, shower and supplies. Yesterday was a warm morning at Icewater and had ambition to do 18 miles to the hostel, but stopped at 15 for a free stay and it was a rough hike. Clif we are now calling "Honey Buns" and I think there are two other Scouts on the trail, but don't care.

Woke up in the shelter by other hikers just being loud... meh it happens.

Hoping for happiness for you.

It was nearly all down hill yesterday. We made a stop at Mtn. Crammerer and had an excellent view probably the best because it was sunny and calm. Well I'm going to get up and see if mice chewed through my things. (no mice)

4/1 PM

That snow... Ross and I are sitting in our tents remembering it for what it was. Now we're out of the park we can tent again. Had a wonderful fire we are a good family. Sad about losing my rain coat. My lips have been chapped for a while. Staying at Deep Gap, Groundhog Shelter Building.

4/2 PM

Woke up with the sun. Hung around the shelter until everyone was ready to go. Hiked at a good pace all day. Made contact with a few people about my coat. Fingers Crossed. Did 17.1 miles today we're staying at Big Rock Spring. It's a long, but good day. Hot Springs tomorrow listened to The Road all day. Dark, Dark night full moon hidden and when it came out I thought it was a street lamp.

"Where men can't live, Gods fare no better. " - The Road


Hiked the nine miles into Hot Springs and spent the day and night getting things organized. Ate some good food and got to catch up with some people. I can't wait to get back out. It's a tiny town, but I need more space. Trail Magic by a couple who is buying a cabin in the area. It was really cute. They bought enough food for twelve sandwiches and we ate them all. So nice and I have their contact info.


Right now I'm in Hot Springs sitting in an amazing little hiker hangout. Much love. I'm feeling melancholy, but I love myself, what I'm doing and who I'm doing this with. Terrible phone reception and wifi is only in certain spots. It's a sunny pretty day and I get to distract myself with some baseball when I'm in wifi.

The views are incredible, the weather hadn't killed me and nothing is keeping me in one place long. It leaves me thinking about where to go next constantly :)

All of my Love

Scott, Scout

Things I have learned in the first 100 miles.

Hello everyone this is Ross checking in, my feet are no longer one big blister and We are both in good health. So this hike having been my first big backpacking trip I thought I would share some things I have picked up on the way through Scott and various other hikers.
  • Chafing happens
  • Sock liners are a godsend versus blisters
  • Make sure to not hike with the original insoles in your boots (I did for the first 100 miles)
  • Epson Salt is great for drying out blisters
  • There is always one more hill
  • Water is everywhere
  • Bring in town clothes, so that you don't smell as bad
  • There is always a need for food
  • Go slow up hills, it's not a race
  • Candy bars can make our day
  • Scout can make a fire in any condition
  • Some people are just on the trail to party
  • Yellow Blaze is to hitch hike through the trail
  • Some people can really snore
  • How to wear my backpack correctly
  • The weather is what you make of it
  • I am horrible at 20 questions
  • Spices are great with rice and beans
  • Going into town doesn't mean you take a zero day ( a day when you don't hike any miles)
  • Ibuprofen is key on harder days
  • People have dropped off the trail already
  • I like to hike in silence sometimes
  • You will die without positive mental attitude for 30 seconds
  • It is hard to choose between miles and smiles some days
  • You are never truly isolated on the AT
  • Set goals for each day
  • I would not be here without the support of everyone
Right now Scout and I are hanging out at the Hiker resource center here in Hot Springs, NC. We have acquired some hiking partners on our jaunt through the Smokey Mountains, Honeybuns and KnockOnWood. They are engaged and have the same pace as Scout and I, so they are a perfect fit for us. 

Until next time,
Ross, Burnout